Clients and Projects


  • Aldo Leopold Foundation
  • Center for Whole Communities
  • Center of Southwest Culture/Cooperative Development Center
  • Community by Design/Taos County
  • Community Conservation Learning Journey
  • Forest Trust
  • High Country News
  • Jemez y Sangre Regional Water Plan
  • Land Trust Alliance
  • MacGillivray Freeman Films
  • McCune Charitable Foundation
  • Northern Arizona University Elderhostel/Road Scholar
  • Northern New Mexico Group of the Sierra Club
  • Patagonia
  • The Quivira Coalition
  • Red River Watershed Group
  • River Network
  • Rivers & Birds
  • Rocky Mountain Youth Corps
  • Santa Fe Conservation Trust
  • Santa Fe Road Scholar
  • Seven Directions
  • Taos Community Foundation
  • The Taos News
  • Taos Regional Action Coalition (Public Health Council)
  • University of Colorado Natural Resources Law Center, Environmental Justice Program
  • Upper Rio Grande Watershed Project
  • Vecinos del Río
  • Western Gathering 2001 (conference on environmental justice and diversity)


Served as a consultant to MacGillivray Freeman Films at Mesa Verde National Park on “Into America’s Wild,” a film to inspire young people about math and science through traditional cultures and outdoor activities.

On the Wild Road to Bears Ears National Monument
Led a trip for High Country News readers to “ground zero” in the struggle to protect national monuments.

Community Conservation Learning Journey
Helped coordinate and lead a co-learning session for land trusts from across the country about working more effectively with tribes, based on the case study of transferring ownership of a sacred site from Taos Land Trust to the Taos Pueblo Tribe.

Stewardship of Natural Resources Grantmaking Strategy
Conducted surveys, targeted interviews, and background research to develop a revised grantmaking strategy for the McCune Charitable Foundation’s Stewardship of Natural Resources funding priority.

Native Lands Conservation Summit
Worked with the Center for Whole Communities and colleague Peter Forbes to organize and convene a historic summit in California in May of 2014 between members of the newly formed Native Land Trust Alliance and leadership from the non-Native LTA and other land trusts to build relationships and explore potential collaborations.

Addressing Food Desert Issues in Northern New Mexico
Researched successful youth agriculture programs across the country and food security and food system programs in New Mexico for a comprehensive report and recommendations for Rocky Mountain Youth Corps to effectively engage in addressing “food desert” issues in northern New Mexico.

Trails del Norte
Also with Rocky Mountain Youth Corps, developed an action plan, made basic design recommendations, and built community support for new bike trails in and around Taos, including a report on the benefits of Trails for the People and Economy of Taos (similar to another report written for the Santa Fe Conservation Trust about trails in the Santa Fe area) and a comprehensive final report and recommendations.

Levers for Innovation
A project of the Center for Whole Communities for the Land Trust Alliance, for which Ernie Atencio served as project manager working with colleagues Peter Forbes and Danyelle O’Hara on extensive research, analysis, and a final report titled Land Conservation and the Public Trust: The Case for Community Conservation. See the Executive Summary here or go to Peter Forbes’ website for other information about the project.

Trails for the People and Economy of Santa Fe
A report for the Santa Fe Conservation Trust about the benefits of trails and mountain biking in the Santa Fe area.

Presentation for Aldo Leopold Society
Organized a public presentation in Taos for the Inaugural Aldo & Estella Leopold Residency Lecture, called “The Land Ethic in the 21st Century: A View from Aldo Leopold’s ‘Mi Casita’ in Tres Piedras.”

Conservation Feasibility Study for the Taos Community Foundation
Prepared an extensive feasibility study regarding a potential conservation easement on the D.H. Lawrence Ranch property near Taos, including an analysis of property value and potential tax benefits.

A History of Taos County Land Use Ethics, Planning, and Practice
A chapter in Phase I of the Taos County Growth Management Plan about traditional cultural ethics and other history that have led to a distinctive land-use pattern and cultural landscape, completed for Community by Design.

Upper Rio Grande Watershed Restoration Action Strategy
Contributed the Rio Hondo Watershed portion and assisted with editing and assembling this report addressing “nonpoint source” pollution abatement in the Upper Rio Grande Watershed through Taos County, NM.

Report on Community Forestry for the Northern New Mexico Group of the Sierra Club
As a companion volume to Of Land and Culture, below, completed extensive ethnographic and technical research and wrote and published a report on the potential ecological, cultural, and environmental justice consequences of a national “End Commercial Logging” campaign, called La Vida Floresta: Ecology, Justice, and Community-Based Forestry in Northern New Mexico (large file).

Red River Watershed Restoration Action Strategy
Lead author and coordinator of this report addressing “nonpoint source” pollution abatement in the Red River Watershed above Questa, NM.

Report on Public Lands Ranching for the Quivira Coalition
Completed extensive ethnographic and technical research and wrote and published a report on the potential ecological, cultural, and environmental justice consequences of a proposed policy to end livestock grazing on all national forests, called Of Land and Culture: Environmental Justice and Public Lands Ranching in Northern New Mexico.

See links for High Country News articles and other publications here.